Chelhwon Kim

I am a computer vision researcher and worked on various computer vision projects, including indoor 3D reconstruction, table-top telepresence system, image-based indoor localization, and cross-domain mapping. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2016 under the supervision of Professor Roberto Manduchi in the Computer Vision Lab.

Resume: CV


Face-to-Music Translation - CVPR Sight and Sound Workshop, 2021 (arXiv preprint version )   [Video] [Presentation]
Chelhwon Kim, Andrew Port, Mitesh Patel
A Web-Based Remote Assistance System with Gravity-Aware 3D Hand Gesture Visualization - ISS'19 Demo   [Video][Video (Smart glasses)]
Chelhwon Kim, Patrick Chiu, Yulius Tjahjadi
Toward Long Distance Hand-Document Telepresence - ISS'19 Poster (Best Poster Award)   [Poster]
Chelhwon Kim, Patrick Chiu, Joseph de la Pena, Laurent Denoue, Jun Shingu, Yulius Tjahjadi
InFo: Indoor localization using Fusion of Visual Information from Static and Dynamic Cameras - IPIN'19
Chelhwon Kim, Chidansh Bhatt, Mitesh Patel, Don Kimber, and Yulius Tjahjadi
Capturing Handwritten Ink Strokes with a Fast Video Camera - ICDAR'17
Chelhwon Kim, Patrick Chiu, and Hideto Oda
Indoor Manhattan Spatial Layout Recovery from Monocular Videos via Line Matching - CVIU (2017)
Chelhwon Kim, and Roberto Manduchi
Planar Structures from Line Correspondences in a Manhattan World - ACCV'14
Chelhwon Kim, and Roberto Manduchi
High-Quality Capture of Documents on a Cluttered Tabletop with a 4K Video Camera - DocEng'15
Chelhwon Kim, Patrick Chiu, and Henry Tang
Visual Salinecy in noisy images - JoV (2013)
Chelhwon Kim, and Peyman Milanfar

Previous Projects
